Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Guide
The purpose of this shared resource is to ensure that the communities we collectively serve have access to vital information and resources regarding the current public health emergency.
To submit a resource for this list, please complete this online form.
Please contact us at info@pjsconsultants.net if you see errors or outdated information. We thank you for your partnership. We’re stronger together, and together we will support our communities through this crisis.
Curated by:
PJS Consultants - Strategic communications, marketing and public relations
Kingston 11 Cuisine - Caribbean Food, take out and delivery available
Medical, Health, & Wellness
Strengthening Your Immune System, from Campaign for Black Male Achievement
#sayhername and Resources for Black Women at Work, from BlackFemaleProject
Coronavirus Information
Coronavirus Resource Center, from John Hopkins University & Medicine
COVID-19 Resources & Information, from the City of Oakland
COVID-19 Resources, from the City and County of San Francisco
Roots Community Health Center - COVID-19 Community Resources
10-Step Guide: Moving In-Class Activities Online, from Julia Gatten
Girl*-Powered Activities for Parents, Caregivers & Educators, Issue 1, from Alliance for Girls
Girl*-Powered Activities for Parents, Caregivers & Educators, Issue 2, from Alliance for Girls
*”Girls” refers to gender expansive youth (cis girls, trans girls, non-binary youth, gender non-conforming youth, gender queer youth and any girl-identified youth).
Haymarket Books - Radical publisher offering free online events concerning COVID-19 and deeply discounted e-books
Artist Resources
Nonprofit & Small Business Resources
SBA Disaster Relief Funds for Small Businesses
COVID-19 Resources for Nonprofits, from The San Francisco Foundation
Steps for BIPOC-Owned Business during COVID-19
Coronavirus Communications Crisis Triage Kit, from The Communications Network
Managing Remote Work + Communications Teams, from The Communications Network
A Social Media Crisis Checklist for 2020, from Julia Harris
A Simple, Low-Cost Way for Nonprofits and Foundations to Curb the Coronavirus Crisis, from The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Crisis Communications Resources, from Public Relations Society of America
Coronavirus Resources for Businesses, from CAMEO Network
CARES Act Virtual Session: Everything Black-Owned Businesses Should Know, from Essence
5 Tips to Master the Virtual Zoom Meeting Today, from Julia Gatten
Other Resources/Organizations
Resources for Immigrants During the Coronavirus Crisis
COVID-19 Resources for Undocumented Communities (available in English and Spanish)
COVID-19 Info for Survivors, DV/SA, and Other Vulnerable Communities
Color of Change COVID-19 Resources/Response, with a focus on Black communities
Alliance for Girls* Resources List
*”Girls” refers to gender expansive youth (cis girls, trans girls, non-binary youth, gender non-conforming youth, gender queer youth and any girl-identified youth).
Resources from The Office of Representative Barbara Lee
The Peoples Hub - An online movement school connecting and supporting people who are resisting, reimagining, and restoring our communities.
Black Futures Lab - Transforming Black communities by building Black political power and changing the way power operates.
The Hampton Institute - We seek to build class consciousness. We seek to end oppressive systems like capitalism, white supremacy, and patriarchy. We seek the liberation of all.
Black Youth Project - We are a platform that highlights the voices and ideas of Black millennials.